

Reward-based CRM Marketing Solution

Reward-based CRM 
Marketing Solution

Don't delay CRM marketing due to resource constraints on development any longer

Due to prioritizing feature development, we never had the resources to focus on marketing development.

Marketer of a travel app

Marketer of a travel app

To validate PMF, we need users, and securing initial users ultimately comes down to marketing battles.

PM of a commerce app

PM of a commerce app

I'm not sure how to plan a marketing event that encourages daily app visits like other apps.

CEO of a content start-up

CEO of a content start-up

Introducting BuzzBooster

In-app action campaigns to acquire users and encourage revisits

You no longer need to worry about the development effort required for app marketing. Once you install SDK, you can easily plan and operate various CRM marketing campaigns through a dashboard.

buzzbooster의 여러 사용 예시 이미지

Campaign Templates

Just follow the given templates for the essential campaigns.

BuzzBooster focused on alleviating the burdens of marketers. You can immediately start basic CRM marketing campaigns with recommended templates. Create various and unique campaigns for your brand.

* App SDK 설치 고객에 한정하여 요청에 따라 별도 커스텀 캠페인의 제작 및 운영을 지원합니다.

  • Refer-a-friend Campaign
  • Daily Login
  • Marketing Opt-in Campaign
  • Mission Campaign
  • Custom Campaign
buzzbooster 실제 사용 템플릿 예시 이미지

Campaign Messaging

Use everything from push messages to banners, and let your campaign be known to all

The number of users who participate in event determines the success of your marketing. You can inform the users on any page or in any method so that they can feel comfortable participating in campaign.

buzzbooster 실제 사용 템플릿 예시 이미지buzzbooster 실제 사용 템플릿 예시 이미지

카페24 쇼핑몰 운영자를 위한 플러그인 오픈

버즈부스터가 웹기반 브랜드를 위해 조금 더 가벼워졌습니다. 더 간편한 설치, 더욱 저렴한 요금으로 버즈부스터를 시작하세요!

Special Features of BuzzBooster

Rewards, A secret key to winning users' hearts

Create coupons and build a point system in your app

Maximize the value of your existing benefits such as free shipping or discount coupon. Additionally, BuzzBooster allows you to create brand-exclusive coupons and points.

Support for NaverPay points conversion for payment-free apps

As users engage in campaigns, appropriate rewards must be provided. The point system provided by BuzzBooster allows users to convert their rewards into Naver Pay points.

*연내 출시 예정

Special rewards with badges and titles

You can assign a special VVIP badge to heavy users and a unique titles for a few users. The secret of make a genuine fan begins with recognition.

Just a week to launch a campaign

With a simple installation of our SDK, you can freely launch in-app campaigns that encourage user actions through a reward system

버즈부스터와 함께라면 1주 안에 진행할 수 있습니다

수많은 고객사가 쉽고 간편하게 출석체크 이벤트를 시작했어요!


Success Stories

BuzzBooster grows together with start-ups.

Enhance app visits and earn revenue by linking ad inventories to your app's unique features and returning rewards to users.

따옴표 이미지

While other CRM tools emphasize personalized messaging, BuzzBooster focuses on campaign planning and operation centered around "rewards." As a result, it became clear that users found clear benefits to be the most attractive aspect of the campaigns.

성별 이미지

Kang Eun-joo

Marketing Manager of Farm Morning

따옴표 이미지

From creating the event page to development, and even during actual operation, gathering participants and providing rewards was a task that marketers couldn't handle alone. BuzzBooster had its own reward system in addition to the resources for campaign operation, making it easy to plan and operate campaigns without significant difficulties

성별 이미지

Kim Seung-bum

Product Manager of Heynana

따옴표 이미지

After implementing BuzzBooster, issues like data loss from manual work were resolved. Campaign operation and management became simpler, saving resources. In particular, the number of posts increased by 2,000% during the writing campaign, and there's nothing like rewards to encourage user participation

성별 이미지

Kim Han-eol

Product Manager of Butteryam

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